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CherryPy WebServer

The CherryPy is a python based web framework that allows a device to host web pages written in python. We use the framework to monitor the location of the drone, as well as commanding the drones if an operator is present. Without an operator, the drone can fly to the identified location of the teddy bear in a fully autonomous manner.

The website below is hosted on a Raspberry Pi that is written in Python.

In the home page, there’s the “Track” and “Command” button which has similar interface but for different purposes.


The purpose of this page is used to command the drone to a specific location.


The purpose of this tab is for the convenience of the operator, should the location of the drone is required for an update while the drone is flying.


The purpose of this page is used to command the drone to a specific location.

Using markers, the locations are shown as indicated below:

  1. The blue decorator represents the current location of the drone.

  2. The yellow decorator with a building in it represents the home location of the drone.

  3. The red decorator with a helicopter in it represents the location of the teddy bear, which is identified on board. The location of the teddy bear is not given in advance.

Once the script has started, the webpage will be accessible.

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