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3D Modelling

OpenDroneMap is chosen to stitch the images into a 3D model due to the fact that it is open sourced and requires no license to use it. It has also been reported in the forums that the software is reliable and is able to generate a decent looking model.

The trajectory is planned as shown in the picture below:

Each point represents a coordinate in which a picture will be taken. In the end, the pictures will be transferred to a laptop to be processed. A Raspberry Pi is not used to generate the picture on board in this case as the processing power is too low to handle such a task.

The path is uploaded to pixhawk from a Raspberry Pi. The trajectory is saved in a text file as show in the picture below:

The drone will arm, take off, following the planned trajectory in the text file and return to a home location once the whole process has completed.

The text file is generated using MAVProxy by performing the following routine:

Once the waypoints has been drawn, to save the waypoints into a text file, simply write :

wp save filename.txt

into the MAVProxy terminal.

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